Southwest Florida Landscaping Ideas
Having Some Fun Landscaping Your Yard Florida represents some interesting challenges for landscape design. While it has the humidity and sunshine that plants love, it also has the heat that they generally dislike. Making it just a little worse is that Florida is known for its storms and even hurricanes, making life interesting for plant […]
Maintaining Landscape Hedges
Landscape hedges are installed to create a border or barrier to part of a property. They can provide privacy, protection and beauty if properly installed and maintained. Planting Hedges Correctly From The Beginning The first step toward having a functional and good looking landscape hedge is proper installation. Landscape installation is not a forte of […]
Preparing For A Vegetable Garden In Southwest Florida In Late Summer
Late summer is a great time to think about starting a vegetable garden in Southwest Florida. There are certain preparations you need to make before you start the planting process. Site Selection For Planting A SW Florida Vegetable Garden If you planted a garden last year, consider moving this year’s garden to a different plot […]
Landscape Design – Tropical and Coastal
Tropical and coastal landscape design is our favorite and most administered of all of the landscape designs used in Southwest Florida. Landscaping Materials Used in Tropical and Coastal Landscape Design Palm trees, palm trees and more palm trees! There is not a tropical or coastal landscape design that doesn’t use various combinations of palm trees. […]
Brown Spots In Your Yard
Brown spots in a Southwest Florida lawn are almost inevitable. However, if you can narrow down the cause of the brown spots then you have a better chance to remedy the problem. Causes of Brown Spots There are a million causes for brown spots in your yard. Some of the most common causes are pet […]
Fruit Trees For Small Southwest Florida Properties
Living in Florida has the advantages of great weather, tropical environments and fresh orange juice. For the homeowner that doesn’t have a lot of property growing an orange tree so they can have fresh orange juice poses a problem because they don’t have the land necessary to do so. Dwarf Variety Citrus Trees Fortunately there is […]
Sprinkler Heads In A Slope
Occasionally in Southwest Florida we come across hills and slopes. Gather they were probably man made since we live in the flattest place on earth. Perhaps you have a sprinkler head that was placed at the base of a hill or in a slope. This can cause several issues in the long run. Possible Problems […]
Southwest Florida Is Blessed With Botanical Gardens
If you are a lover of nature then no less you frequently visit some of Southwest Florida’s natural beauties like the beaches, State Parks, wetlands and botanical gardens. A Botanical Garden Is…. A botanical garden is a tropical garden intertwined with natural habitats to form a piece of paradise. It’s a great place to study a variety […]
Determining The Right Zone for Landscaping Materials
Being in the landscaping industry we are well versed in the “Zone” for which we buy plants, trees, palms and shrubs. A zone is a climatic condition for the area in which you live. How Are Zones Determined? The USDA has developed a map that divides the United States into 11 different zones based on […]
Spiraling White Flies Are Attacking Southwest Florida Landscaping
There’s a new epidemic attacking Southwest Florida landscaping called the spiraling white fly. They have no preference of attack: trees, palms and shrubs are fair game for the little white insect. About The Spiraling White Fly The Spiraling White Fly looks like a small white moth. When they first appeared in the Southwest Florida area we probably didn’t think much […]