Landscaping For Privacy In Florida

The Best Plants for Hedging in Florida Hedging is the act of using plants for privacy to protect and decorate your property. Hedges are also beautiful landscaping, providing a sense of privacy and security for your home, and they can be used as a barrier to keep unwanted pests out of your yard. Hedges are […]
8 Tips For Sustainable Landscaping In Florida

Landscaping is challenging in Florida. The hot temperatures and alternating very wet then very dry climate give homeowners a lot of trouble. In fact, high temperatures are in excess of 80 degrees for more than half of the year. Additionally, the state gets less than 6 inches of precipitation for 9 months out of the year. One […]
Drought-Friendly Florida Landscaping

Living in Southwest Florida has many advantages over other parts of the country. But when it comes to Florida landscaping around your home, there are very unique challenges. As you well know, the rain levels and droughts are as unpredictable as the Florida Lottery — you never know what each day’s draw is going to […]
Landscaping Your New Home

Have you recently purchased a new home? Or are you in the midst of building one now? In either case, you will want to landscape it nicely so that you can enjoy it this summer. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you out. Start With Trees The first thing you should […]